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Edmonson County Schools Report Card

Technology Plan

Edmonson County School District

Technology Plan


Planning Years 2005-2009

I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information contained in this application is correct and complete and that the agency named in this application has authorized me, as its representative, to obligate this agency to conduct any ensuing program or activity in accordance with all applicable Federal and State laws. It is understood that this application, once posted to our local district server for public access constitutes an offer, and if accepted by the Kentucky Department of Education or negotiated to acceptance, will form a binding agreement.

District Technology Coordinator Lamar Miller


Persons involved in planning

Email of persons involved


Lamar Miller, District Technology Coordinator


Brent Norris, Assistant Technology Coordinator


Alex Fitzpatrick, Professional Development Coordinator




Mission Statement

“The staff of the Edmonson County School District accepts the responsibility to provide meaningful learning experiences that will enable all students to reach high levels of academic and non-academic performance, demonstrate positive social/emotional growth and become productive members of our society.”

We in the technology office believe these goals can be reached and that technology can assist in reaching these goals.

Technology planning process

The current technology department consists of Lamar Miller and Brent Norris. Having only a 2-person department makes it very difficult to maintain over 1000 network devices including servers, workstations, network routers and switches, wireless access devices, printers, scanners, and projectors, along with other items such as phones and phone switches, A/V Equipment and Uninterruptible Power Supplies. It does, however make us aware of all aspects of our network. Having redesigned the network from the ground up within just the past 2 years, we know our strengths and our weaknesses. This is why we are the sole designers of this plan. We have been working from an old plan and working to develop an new plan for network and computer upgrades, along with communication equipment and communication network design.

Needs Assessment

The needs expressed within this document are from taking inventory of current network and communication models and finding bottlenecks within them. Some of the items herein were born out of the fact that technology advances will allow us to do the things we already do with more efficiency. Others, from the standpoint that technology will allow us to do things we could never do before, where still other items fall into the category of ideas that were completely foreign, but may very well revolutionize the way we do things.


This plan will be revisited on a yearly basis for three years. At that time we will evaluate how much closer we are to completion and how effective these items have been for that year. Each year will also bring some minor revisions, adjustments and appendixes to the plan. With technology being the ever-changing landscape that it is, this plan may even be revamped during these evaluations to reflect the growth of new and better technology.

While every effort will be made to accomplish these goals, budgets restraints may keep us from reaching our goals in the timeline allotted. Any item that is relying on e-rate funding (USF) will be pending until we receive approval for those items. Every effort will be made to file for funding and use the money we have at the most efficient level we can to accomplish our goals.

Goals for this plan broken down by category:

Local Voice – Increase phone line availability, and usability.

Long Distance Voice – Decrease cost of long distance while increasing availability.

Cellular Service – Utilize cellular networks for communication where it will reduce costs.

Internet Connectivity – Maintain high-speed fiber-optic connectivity between buildings

Intra-District Phone Service – Enhance phone system with new features, integrate intra-district phone with data network, enable direct dialing to other schools in the district, and enable voice mail

LAN/WAN – Increase availability and bandwidth within the district, including more wiring drops, wireless access, faster links where applicable

Servers and Terminal Services – Update older servers, use terminal services where needed to make use of older hardware to extend life of aging computers

Licensing – Make sure we are up to date on all licensing including past and present purchases

Maintenance – Obtain Maintenance agreement on Network Hardware

Professional Development Strategy broken down by category

Local Voice – Train staff on use of existing and new features, also addressing ethical use of school resources, utilizing district as well as school-level personnel

Long Distance Voice – Train staff on use of existing and new features, also addressing ethical use of school resources, utilizing district as well as school-level personnel

Cellular Service – Train staff on use of existing and new features, also addressing ethical use of school resources, utilizing district as well as school-level personnel

Internet Connectivity – Train staff on use of existing and new features, also addressing ethical use of school resources, utilizing district as well as school-level personnel

Intra-district Phone Service – Train staff on use of existing and new features, also addressing ethical use of school resources, utilizing district as well as school-level personnel

LAN/WAN – Train staff on use of existing and new features, also addressing ethical use of school resources, utilizing district as well as school-level personnel

Servers and Terminal Services – Train staff on use of existing and new features, also addressing ethical use of school resources, utilizing district as well as school-level personnel

Licensing – Train staff on use of existing and new features, also addressing ethical use of school resources, utilizing district as well as school-level personnel

Maintenance – Train staff on use of existing and new features, also addressing ethical use of school resources, utilizing district as well as school-level personnel

Needs Assessment broken down by category

Local Voice – We reviewed current status and usage to determine that we were paying a lot, but not getting maximum usage for our lines. Many lines are unused most of the day, while others are constantly busy

Long Distance Voice – Lines are highly available in some places, while not available in others

Cellular Service – We currently use a few cellular phones, and wide availability may reduce costs rather than use of radios in certain instances

Internet Connectivity – We lease managed fiber for part of our data backbone. We need to maintain these links for connectivity

Intra-district Phone Service – Phone calls between schools are often halted because of unavailability of phone lines. Integrating our Intra-district phone structure with our data network will allow us to dial from school to school without the need to access an outside line, Voice mail will increase use of communication

LAN/WAN – Upgrading links and availability will decrease frustration in finding a physical location in which to connect to the network, increasing speed of some of these links will aid in smooth flow of data

Servers and Terminal Services – With technology being an ever-changing landscape, obsolescence in inevitable. What this leaves behind is lots of unusable machines that are impossible to get rid of. Using terminal services, we can use these machines far beyond their normal lifespan. Aging servers need to be updated.

Licensing – For just about everything you do with technology, you must be licensed. We need to ensure that whatever we use, we pay for. We are currently reviewing everything we use and will use in the future so we can be compliant with licensing rules

Maintenance – Things break. We need to be ready for this by having maintenance contracts in place in case of emergency

Sufficient Budget broken down by category

Local Voice – Approx. $30,000 has been allotted of Local and e-rate funds to cover costs

Long Distance Voice – Approx. $12,000 has been allotted of Local and e-rate funds to cover costs

Cellular Service – Approx. $9,600 has been allotted of Local and e-rate funds to cover costs

Internet Connectivity – Approx. $26,100 has been allotted of Local and e-rate funds to cover costs

Intra-district Phone Service – Approx. $65,000 has been allotted of Local and e-rate funds to cover costs

LAN/WAN – Approx. $235,400 has been allotted of Local and e-rate funds to cover costs

Servers and Terminal Services – Approx. $35,800 has been allotted of Local and e-rate funds to cover costs

Licensing – Approx. $28,000 has been allotted of Local and e-rate funds to cover costs

Maintenance – Approx. $50,000 has been allotted of Local and e-rate funds to cover costs

Plan Evaluation broken down by category

Local Voice – Survey staff to find out if line availability is sufficient, add more lines if necessary

Long Distance Voice – Survey staff to find out if line availability is sufficient, add more lines if necessary

Cellular Service – Monitor usage and compare to see if service is being utilized efficiently

Internet Connectivity – Monitor usage, chart bandwidth usage, watch for peaks

Intra-district Phone Service – Survey staff about increased availability and ease of use

LAN/WAN – Monitor bandwidth; perform site surveys to insure availability

Servers and Terminal Services – Survey users about usability, monitor usage

Licensing – Revisit yearly to ensure compliance

Maintenance – Compare cost of maintenance to actual cost of hardware replacement

Action Component __Communications_________ Date ___January 14,2005________

District Name ___Edmonson County Schools__________ Component Manager ___Lamar Miller________________

Priority Need

Goal(s) (Addresses the Priority Need)

Increase communication efficiency, security, and safety

  1. Increase phone line availability.

  2. Enable voice mail for all staff.

  3. Decrease cost of long distance voice communication.

  4. Migrate to VOIP for intra-district communication.

  5. Utilize cellular networks for communication.

  6. Obtain maintenance agreements for phone networking equipment.

  7. Utilize district web site for internal communication.

  8. Provide training on the use of and ethical use of the communication network.

Causes and Contributing Factors (Assessment)

Objectives with Measures of Success

There is limited communication availability both internally and externally. Phone lines are a limiting factor.

  1. Use I.P. telephony to make eight communications lines available at each site.

  2. Enhance the communication network to allow voice mail, and inexpensive long distance available to all staff.

  3. Use Cellular phones instead of two way radios where it will reduce costs.

  4. Increase the capacity of the district web site to communicate within the district and provide training and resources to the staff.

  5. Train all staff on effective communication techniques using advanced telephony as well as ethical use of communication networks

Action Component __Communications_________ Date ___January 14,2005________

District Name ___Edmonson County Schools__________ Component Manager ___Lamar Miller________________

Strategies/Activities (Activity or Strategic Sequence of Activities to Achieve Objectives)

Objective Label


Expected Impact in Terms of District Effectiveness

Responsible Person

Start Date

End Date

Resources Needed

Fund Source


Integrate the phone network into the IP network.

Phone line availability will increase. Incoming phone lines would be free for external communications

Lamar Miller



See Appendix A, item 1

Technology, USF, General Fund


Integrate advanced phone services into the telephone network

Communication with the staff, parents, and outside agencies will be enhanced. Staff will be more effective in their communications.

Lamar Miller



See Appendix A, item 2

Technology, USF, General Fund


Purchase cellular phones where necessary to enhance communications and to replace two- way radios where it is cost effective.

Cost of communications will decrease.

Lamar Miller



See Appendix A, item 3

Technology, USF, General Fund


Incorporate a new district web server.

Speed timely delivery of web based content

Lamar Miller

Brent Norris



See Appendix B, item 1

Technology, USF, General Fund


Update the usability of the district web site for data dissemination and intra-district communication.

Allow users to effectively use web based content

Brent Norris



1 hour weekly of Assistant Technology Coordinator

General Fund


Provide professional development on use and ethics of communications network equipment.

Users will fully utilize the capabilities of the communications resources available to them

Lamar Miller

Brent Norris

Alex Fitzpatrick



PD Time

PD funds

Action Component __Network Availability_______ Date ___January 14,2005________

District Name ___Edmonson County Schools__________ Component Manager ___Lamar Miller________________

Priority Need

Goal(s) (Addresses the Priority Need)

Increase network availability and efficiency

  1. Update older servers.

  2. Provide UPS services for all servers, switches, data devices, etc.

  3. Guarantee reliability and availability of network drops.

  4. Provide contiguous wireless network access in all buildings.

  5. Increase bandwidth to buildings connected via wireless.

  6. Provide redundant internet availability.

  7. Create usable remote access for faculty/staff.

  8. Obtain maintenance agreement for vital network equipment.

  9. Maintain high-speed connections between buildings.

  10. Maintain data link with the state.

  11. Provide professional development with staff on effective use of network resources.

  12. Increase usability of the network.

Causes and Contributing Factors (Assessment)

Objectives with Measures of Success

Some current network resources are nearing their capacity and do not provide for continued growth. Other resources are not consistent throughout the network and provide for inequitable network allocation. There are no current provisions for equipment failure and maintenance. Users do not have the technical expertise to most effectively use network resources. The current network does not provide for remote access.

  1. Obtain new web and proxy servers.

  2. Obtain new UPS systems for servers, switches, phone switches, and other data devices.

  3. Place wireless access devices in buildings to provide contiguous coverage.

  4. Increase the amount of active network drops in each school.

  5. Increase the number of gigabit capable drops in each school.

  6. Upgrade the access of buildings connected to the WAN via wireless connection to at least 802.11g

  7. Provide more than one connection between the network and the internet.

  8. Provide equipment and procedures for users to remotely access network resources.

  9. Maintain current fiber connectivity between buildings

  10. Maintain connectivity to state network

  11. Train staff on effective use of network resources

Action Component __Network Availability_______ Date ___January 14,2005________

District Name ___Edmonson County Schools__________ Component Manager ___Lamar Miller________________

Strategies/Activities (Activity or Strategic Sequence of Activities to Achieve Objectives)

Objective Label


Expected Impact in Terms of District Effectiveness

Responsible Person

Start Date

End Date

Resources Needed

Fund Source


Purchase new web and proxy servers

Capacity and usability of internet and intranet will increase

Lamar Miller



See Appendix B Item 1

Technology, USF, General Fund


Purchase new UPS systems for servers, phone and data switches

Up-time of network components will ensure availability of telephone and computer network during power outages

Lamar Miller



See Appendix B Item 2

Technology, USF, General Fund


Purchase and install wireless access devices and network cards

Users will be able to connect to network using wireless technology

Lamar Miller



See Appendix B Item 3

Technology, USF, General Fund


Install more data drops and switches in buildings

Users will be able to connect to network in more locations throughout the building

Lamar Miller



See Appendix B Item 4

Technology, USF, General Fund


Install more gigabit drops and switches in buildings

Users will be able to connect to network in more locations at 1000mb

Lamar Miller



See Appendix B Item 5

Technology, USF, General Fund


Purchase high speed wireless access points for buildings using wireless for connectivity

Buildings currently connecting at 11mb/sec will connect at 54mb/sec or higher

Lamar Miller



See Appendix B Item 6

Technology, USF, General Fund


Provide redundancy in internet connection

Reduce non-availability of internet resources

Lamar Miller



See Appendix B Item 7

Technology, USF, General Fund


Implement remote access equipment and procedures for network users

Enhance resource availability and provide for off-site access

Lamar Miller

Brent Norris



See Appendix B Item 8

Technology, USF, General Fund

Action Component __Network Availability_______ Date ___January 14,2005________

District Name ___Edmonson County Schools__________ Component Manager ___Lamar Miller________________

Strategies/Activities (Activity or Strategic Sequence of Activities to Achieve Objectives)

Objective Label


Expected Impact in Terms of District Effectiveness

Responsible Person

Start Date

End Date

Resources Needed

Fund Source


Maintain current high speed inter-building fiber optic connectivity

Connectivity will continue to occur at an enhanced level allowing consolidation of network resources

Lamar Miller



See Appendix B Item 9

Technology, USF, General Fund


Maintain current high speed connectivity with the state network

Connectivity will continue to occur at an enhanced level allowing bandwidth intensive applications to be used.

Lamar Miller



See Appendix B Item 10

Technology, USF, General Fund


Provide Professional development on the effective use of network resources

Network users will be able to fully utilize the network resources available to them

Lamar Miller

Brent Norris

Alex Fitzpatrick



PD Time

PD Funds

Action Component __Resource Utilization_______ Date ___January 14,2005________

District Name ___Edmonson County Schools__________ Component Manager ___Lamar Miller________________

Priority Need

Goal(s) (Addresses the Priority Need)

Increase resource utilization and efficiency

  1. Set up Terminal servers to enable use of older equipment as terminals to extend life of aging computers

  2. Enable older equipment to attach to network with increased bandwidth

  3. Reduce bottlenecks in current network design

  4. Obtain maintenance agreements for aging communication and data equipment

  5. Increase usability of data network

Causes and Contributing Factors (Assessment)

Objectives with Measures of Success

With current budget constraints, there is limited money to replace older equipment. We need to extend the life of the equipment we currently own, as well as train the users to utilize the resources that we already have.

  1. Obtain terminal server hardware and software licensing

  2. Obtain Network Interface Cards for connecting terminals to server

  3. Upgrade routing switch for increased throughput and reliability

  4. Obtain maintenance contract on network and communication hardware

  5. Train users to use the technology that is currently available to them

Action Component __Resource Utilization_______ Date ___January 14,2005________

District Name ___Edmonson County Schools__________ Component Manager ___Lamar Miller________________

Strategies/Activities (Activity or Strategic Sequence of Activities to Achieve Objectives)

Objective Label


Expected Impact in Terms of District Effectiveness

Responsible Person

Start Date

End Date

Resources Needed

Fund Source


Purchase new terminal servers, Network OS licenses, Client Access licenses

Total number of terminal connections available to users will increase

Lamar Miller



See Appendix C Item 1

Technology, USF, General Fund


Purchase Network Interface Cards for terminals

Total number of usable network computers will increase

Lamar Miller



See Appendix C Item 2

Technology, USF, General Fund


Purchase secondary power supply and gigabit copper blade for Passport 8603 routing switch

Reliability and bandwidth of main routing switch will be increased

Lamar Miller



See Appendix C Item 3

Technology, USF, General Fund


Obtain maintenance contract for phone switches

Reliability of phone switches will be guaranteed

Lamar Miller



See Appendix C Item 4

Technology, USF, General Fund


Obtain maintenance contract for Passport 8603

Reliability of main routing switch will be guaranteed

Lamar Miller



See Appendix C Item 5

Technology, USF, General Fund


Provide Professional Development on the effective use of current hardware and software

Computer users will better utilize technology that is already available to them

Lamar Miller

Brent Norris

Alex Fitzpatrick



PD Time

PD funds

Action Component __Software Compliance_______ Date ___January 14,2005________

District Name ___Edmonson County Schools__________ Component Manager ___Lamar Miller________________

Priority Need

Goal(s) (Addresses the Priority Need)

Guarantee software licensing compliance

  1. Review current licensing purchases

  2. Acquire needed Network OS licenses for servers

  3. Acquire needed Client Access Licenses for workstations

  4. Acquire needed Email Client Access Licenses

  5. Acquire needed OS upgrade licenses for workstations

  6. Acquire needed software licenses for other server software

  7. Acquire needed licenses for Anti-Virus programs

  8. Acquire needed licenses for end-user programs, such as office suite licensing

Causes and Contributing Factors (Assessment)

Objectives with Measures of Success

Since technology is ever changing, staying up to date on software licensing is very challenging. Computers get added, servers get upgraded, and more users are utilizing network resources.

  1. Upon review, we should better understand how many of each of these licenses we will need

  2. Purchase NOS licenses for new and upgraded servers

  3. Purchase network CAL’s for all devices

  4. Purchase email CAL’s for all email users

  5. Purchase OS licenses for any upgraded workstations

  6. Purchase software licenses for unlicensed server software

  7. Purchase anti-virus licenses not covered by KDE

  8. Purchase licenses for end-user software including office suite software, student software, and administrative software

Action Component __Software Compliance_______ Date ___January 14,2005________

District Name ___Edmonson County Schools__________ Component Manager ___Lamar Miller________________

Strategies/Activities (Activity or Strategic Sequence of Activities to Achieve Objectives)

Objective Label


Expected Impact in Terms of District Effectiveness

Responsible Person

Start Date

End Date

Resources Needed

Fund Source


Review software purchases and see where we may need to purchase licenses

We will know specifically where we fall short as far as licensing

Lamar Miller



Approx 40 hrs. DTC time / year

General Fund


Purchase Windows Server licenses for needed servers

Software licensing will be guaranteed for Server NOS

Lamar Miller



See Appendix D

Item 1

Technology, USF, General Fund


Purchase Windows Client Access Licenses for all devices

Software licensing will be guaranteed for Network CAL

Lamar Miller



See Appendix D

Item 2

Technology, USF, General Fund


Purchase Exchange Client Access Licenses for all users

Software licensing will be guaranteed for email CAL

Lamar Miller



See Appendix D

Item 3

Technology, USF, General Fund


Purchase Windows workstation OS licenses for upgraded workstations

Software licensing will be guaranteed for workstation OS

Lamar Miller



See Appendix D

Item 4

Technology, General Fund


Purchase server software licenses for programs that run on the servers

Software licensing will be guaranteed for Server applications

Lamar Miller



See Appendix D

Item 5

Technology, General Fund


Purchase McAfee anti-virus licenses for workstations and servers beyond what is paid for by KDE

Software licensing will be guaranteed for Anti-Virus software

Lamar Miller



See Appendix D

Item 6

Technology, General Fund


Purchase licenses for end-user software

Software licensing for end-user applications will be guaranteed

Lamar Miller



See Appendix D

Item 7

Technology, General Fund

Action Component __Audio/Visual _______ Date ___January 14,2005________

District Name ___Edmonson County Schools__________ Component Manager ___Lamar Miller________________

Priority Need

Goal(s) (Addresses the Priority Need)

Increase usage of network for delivery of audio and video for educational purposes

  1. Gather information on different ways to incorporate audio and video over existing network.

  2. Acquire hardware and software to make this technology easy for end users

Causes and Contributing Factors (Assessment)

Objectives with Measures of Success

Users are wanting delivery of more audio and video for educational purposes.

With the internet and networks in general being a robust means for delivery of information, we see this as a natural progression for integration of AV into the computer network.

  1. Deliver audio and video over IP network to all classrooms

Action Component __Audio/Visual _______ Date ___January 14,2005________

District Name ___Edmonson County Schools__________ Component Manager ___Lamar Miller________________

Strategies/Activities (Activity or Strategic Sequence of Activities to Achieve Objectives)

Objective Label


Expected Impact in Terms of District Effectiveness

Responsible Person

Start Date

End Date

Resources Needed

Fund Source


Acquire equipment to deliver video services to classroom utilizing existing network

Classrooms will have access to more content

Lamar Miller



See Appendix E Item 1

General Fund, USF

Appendix A Items

  1. Costs for hardware to incorporate the phone switches onto the network are not currently known as we do not know as of yet what all this will entail. We know that VoIP gateways and devices for consolidating phone lines will be needed.

  2. Voice Mail system will probably be in the range of $15,000-$20,000 one time set up. Long distance charges are currently approx $25,000/year. Ways to reduce these cost by obtaining a different plan or by other means will be sought out.

  3. Approx 20-30 cellular phones at approx $40/month each

Appendix B Items

  1. Server hardware approx $5000 each, Operating System and software to run web pages, proxy software, $1000

  2. UPS of at least 1500VA, approx $600-$1000 each

  3. Wireless access points are approx $275 each, and wireless NICs are approx $100 each

  4. Estimated costs of wiring up to $25,000 per building, 48-port gigabit switches approx $3600

  5. 48-port gigabit switches are approx $3600

  6. Wireless access points are approx $275 each

  7. Costs are unknown, but should not exceed $650/month

  8. Costs are unknown but should not exceed $5000

  9. Current costs are $3048/ month

  10. Costs are unknown, but should not exceed $650/month

Appendix C Items

  1. Server hardware approx $5000 each, Operating system approx $100, TS CAL’s approx $25 each

  2. Network Interface Cards range from $25-50 each

  3. Power Supply for routing switch is approx $800, blade for routing switch is approx $9000

  4. Estimates on these items are currently unknown

  5. Estimates on these items are currently unknown

Appendix D Items

  1. Windows Server OS approx $100 each

  2. Windows Server CALs approx $5.50 each

  3. Microsoft Exchange CALs approx $2.50 each

  4. Windows XP license approx $50

  5. These costs will vary depending on publisher

  6. McAfee Enterprise nodes are approx $3 each

  7. These costs will vary depending on publisher

Appendix E Items

  1. Estimates on these items are currently unknown